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Sepulchure's Rise II

Alina | Friday, June 15, 2018

In this week's AdventureQuest World's release

Quest as the heroic knight Sir Valen to defeat the Champion of Darkness. Wait a minute! That scroll from Part 1 said we already did. If you are asking yourself this then 1.) Give yourself 100pts for paying good attention. Good job! 2.) Put on your anti-spoiler hats and get ready for a plot roller coast. Last week in part 1... which was not actually part 1. We were not ready with part 1 yet, so you sorta had a prologue, prequel, part 0. The adventure really starts this week. And it starts with that scroll... the one that says you defeated Dethrix-- the Champion of Darkness? He was defeated, but not dead. Well, he might be undead, but the important part here is that he is not UNDEAD-DEAD.  Which is really dead. Even for the dead. Extra dead. As tonight's release goes live our trio of heroes will be on their way to restore the glory of Swordhaven... but that Swordhaven Oracle is really going to metaphorically poo in Valen's cereal. #PROTIP The secret is making sure the Champion of Darkness never finds that BLOOD RED armor with the spikes on it. Ready to start the chain of events that breaks a heroic knight? "What makes a good man go bad.... or in Valens case... worse."

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