
DragonFable DragonFable

The Pale Sea

Artix Krieger | Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ahoy, Heroes!

This week in DragonFable, the Pale Sea calls. Helm's Harbor, southwest of Swordhaven, is now open, and an old friend is ready and waiting to take you across the waves.

Beware the many dangers of the sea, find places to drop anchor and discover treasure!

To move your ship, click on any square adjacent to your ship token on the sailing map. You can drop anchor at any ports marked on the map, and you may discover unmarked locations to drop anchor and explore as well.


If you're caught up in the story, continue it by sailing across the Pale Sea to Pelekoa on the island of Maar. A pit stop on the way to the enigmatic Land of Fables!

If you're still behind in the story, you can still sail around and explore the Pale Sea and all it has to offer.

You can access Helm's Harbor either by foot from Bk3 Swordhaven, directly from the Bk3 Travel Map, or by talking to Eukara in Sulen'Eska after completing the prerequisite story quests.

This is only the first leg of your journey west- will you survive? Or will the ocean claim you for its own? What waits beneath the waves? And where will you be heading next?

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