AdventureQuest 3D
| Thursday, November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Heroes who hail from the United States of America! In honor of the holiday, we have a new questline in Yulgar’s Inn that will unlock a new emote and some thematic housing items to fill your houses with delicious food!
I’ve seen a lot of talk in the community about wanting some tech stuff for housing on Cyber Monday. Unfortunately… I didn’t really see the need until it was a little late to get it made for our Black Friday / Cyber Monday release last week. However, better late than never! I present to you the PALADIN line of Gaming PCs with some racer-style chairs and monitors! Talk to BattleTron in Battleon to get access to this shop.
This seems to be a release full of player-requested items haha. So! The official Artix Games Discord is full of requests and unfortunately, we can’t get to all of them. However, that’s not the case for these spiffy Ballroom Organs. Jongaar has hooked these bad boys up with the soundtracks from the Ballroom Masquerade Event from a few Mogloweens ago. So go on! Make your own Ballroom Brawl with these tracks.
The final of our trio of player-requested items that made their way into this release is the Giant Bat Travel Form. We should have done this long ago with the amount of bat-fans that are out there. Perfect for any Vampire and accessible via the Shops button (That little treasure chest button on your screen!) If you go to the new Dragon Crystal shop you should see a section for Travel Forms.
We've brought the server boost back. That sets XP and CXP gains to 150% and we've added an addition the will allow players to gain double the rewards from daily quests!
We’ve got two promo items for November. First, is the Ancient Dragon Ultra Greatsword, to get this massive blade, just purchase any package in the upgrade shop, now with 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select packages. For those that have one of the Guardian upgrade packages, you will also get the Guardian Dragon Ultra Greatsword at no extra cost.
Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team