| Friday, February 5, 2021
What time is it? Silver Secret Packages time! Within a few hours of updating, all the Silver Secret Package will be converted the awesome and powerful Draconic Frost King mutating weapon sets! Remember, the conversion is a is a manual process, so it could take up to a few hours to convert all the packages (there are over 180 unique recipients). Your patience is appreciated! The Silver Secret Packages contain:
Both mutating weapons include the new Draconic Frost King's Might core:
Even if you don't have a space for it in your build, you'll want to at least give it a try before swapping it.
You may notice that there's no travel form in this package. There is a morph in-progress, the Draconic Frost King's Avatar, that will be added to the inventory of Silver Secret Package holders as soon as it's complete.
Like last year, the prizes will be unsellable and all excess prizes will automatically be converted into credits. If you have more than one Silver Secret Package, one will turn into the prizes while the others turn into 100,000 credits for each excess package. The Secret Packages are on schedule to open next Friday! Charfade really outdid herself with this set, and it will really come together next week went the rest of the items are revealed!
This year, one of the Gifting winners, Roman, offered to allow the sale of his items in-game. I thought this was a generous request, and it couldn't hurt to try something new. Roman's customized weapons will be available in CC and non-CC favors from Titan. Their quantities are very limited so you'll need to hurry if you want grab one! Their resale is temporarily limited in case someone with J. Bezos credits tries to scoop them all up for laughs.
If this concept is well-received, we'll be happy to include more wishes on a limited basis, with explicit permission from the wish recipient, of course.
Because there were wasn't enough warning before removing Legendary Titan's rare drop, we've decided to return Titan's Battlegear E as a drop for a limited time. It will also be available for purchase for a steep credit price. The gear will be removed from the shop and from Legendary Titan permanently as early as Monday.
The 2020 Gifter prizes are still underway. Another prize was checked off the list this with some further progress on the remaining prizes.
In Progress:
Thank you for your patience as these projects are completed! These prizes are fun, unique challenges to design, and I hope to have them all delivered very soon!