Hey there, heroes!
This week, we're returning to a long forgotten quest series- Gingkage's Seeking Paradise!
Last time, you were able to prove the innocence of Gingkage's wolf companion, Blaze, and then you helped track down a dangerous Dola! But upon your return, you found Gingkage holding a hastily scribbled letter that seemed to upset her.
“I need to find my friends.”
Who are these friends, and why does she need to find them? Log in and find out, and see what help you can provide.
If you can keep up.
Head over to Gingkage on the path south of Book 3 Falconreach to play this week's release: Keep Up!
Also this week, a short story "Written in the Soul" has been added to the Book 3 Greenguard Alliance Doomwood camps. "Written in the Soul" can be accessed after completion of "Spark of the Soul".

Finally, we have some balance adjustments and changes! (yay)
- All weapons with over +10 All resistance have had their All resistance reduced to +10.
- A few weapons arbitrarily had better All resistance than any other options. As such, these have been normalized to provide a more consistent base going forward.
- No other stats on these weapons have been touched.
- DoomKnight Cloak, DoomKnight Helm, and the Necrotic Sword of Doom have had their resistances shifted, including significantly more All resistance.
- DoomKnight gear was feeling a bit lackluster. The shift to All resistance makes them much better for general use rather than sole niches of Light and Darkness resistance.
- Note that this +All does not come with corresponding -Health resistance.
- If an enemy has less than 100 base Defenses or Avoidance (calculated individually), these stats will now scale with player level.
- The exact formula is base * level/90. Levels under 90 will have less defenses to deal with, while those over 90 will have more.
- This change also removes a bit of extra scaling Avoidance that was previously added on.
- This adjustment only affects base stats, and not the defenses applied by enemy skills or debuffs.
- This also does not affect Titan battles or unscaled fights.
- Daily experience cap has been increased across all levels to 8 million.
- Doctor When in the Book 1 quest "When" has been adjusted.
- Now has a set skill rotation.
- Now has tells before his burst attack and cooldown reducing attack.
- The cooldown reducing attack can now be avoided.
- Damage has been adjusted slightly.
- Removed his arbitrarily insane bonus stat.
- Stardriver A-014-S in the Book 3 quest "Sunfall Part 2" has been adjusted.
- Its shield is now reduced by attacks of any element.
- When its shield is regained, however, it requires 7 hits (like the first shield), up from 4.
- King Thorin and Prince Lupin have had their Reactive Armor adjusted.
- While previously removed, it has returned in a new form.
- Reactive armor will now apply +50 All resist for the rest of the turn after 2 hits.
- This should allow some counterplay, as well as prevent walling of certain classes dependent on multiple hits.
Finally, as an update, we're still going through our tester applications, and have narrowed down a few candidates.
That's all for this week!
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