AdventureQuest 3D
| Saturday, September 16, 2023
Ahoy there, me hearties! Ye be settin' sail on a savvy screenshot adventure like no other, for it be time for Screenshot Saturday: Talk Like a Pirate Day Contest! Grab yer screenshot-scope ‘nd prepare to capture the finest treasures of the seven seas: ye and yer crew livin’ yer best pirate life – or havin’ yer best fight! – in AQ3D! Yaaaarrrrr!
And if ye wins the Screenshot Saturday contest? Aye, then there be treasures fit for a Captain and all he’s brawny buccaneers! Yo ho ho!
Get the barnacles outta yer ears, sailor. This be the Talk Like a Pirate Day Screenshot Contest, so ye best put on yer finest pirate attire with yer swankiest swords, trusty tricorn hats, or whatever ye wishes that be pirate themed. We judges be lookin' for the saltiest sea dogs and loveliest lasses that be showin’ they pirate pride!
Begins: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Ends: Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 11:59pm EDT
🏆 1st Place Winner
"Captain Clickbeard" will be awarded with an Emperor’s Chest, valued at 1,000 Doubloons! Blimey – me means, Dragon Crystals!
🥈 2nd Place Mates
Me "Swashbucklin’ Shutterbugs” be plundering a Warlord’s Chest fer bein’ Captain Clickbeard’s next in command. That be worth 400 Dragon Crystals, aye aye!
🏴☠️ Third Place Runner-Ups
The "Screenshot Scallywags" who put up a jolly good fight will each get a Soldier’s Chest!
Now that ye know the pirate contest code, it be time ye embark on this seafaring screenshottin’ voyage! Remembers to keep yer eyes peeled fer the perfect shot amidst the seashores, mysterious coves, and sunsets that'll turn Davy Jones himself into a Jolly Roger! Let yer creativity flow like the grog at a pirate's tavern, and may yer screenshots be worth a thousand words!
Shiver me timbers 'nd snap away, me hearties!
Beleen, me jolly judges, and the AQ3D crew