AdventureQuest 3D
| Friday, December 29, 2023
Happy holidays, heroes! The air is filled with excitement and anticipation (and hot cocoa, of course) as we announce the winners of our Screenshot Saturday: Frostval Contest! We received well over 100+ dazzling entries that truly captured the essence of the holiday season, making the judging process both challenging and inspiring. You are all so incredibly gifted, and you never cease to amaze us 😻
Without further ado, let's unwrap the magic and celebrate our talented players who brought the spirit of Frostval to life through their lenses.
🌟🏆 The grand prize goes to Almayudha for their captivating screenshot that perfectly encapsulates the enchanting spirit of Frostval. The composition, creativity, and sheer magic in this entry left our judging panel in awe. Congratulations Almayudha on a well-deserved win – and these 2,000 Dragon Crystals!
🥈✨ In second place, we have M e i a N o i t e, touch me and its over, and Greyleaf! These screenshots all tied for 2nd place since they skillfully captured the warmth and joy (and chaos!!) of the holiday season. Thank you all for these amazing screenies, and each of you will receive an Emperor’s Chest! Bravo!!
🥉📸 Coming in third are Arataka-, Save, MapCurse, Kaleidosa, and Sarah_Almeida! These entries emanate the festive Frostval spirit in delightful ways, showcasing the talent and creativity of our amazing community. Each of you wins a Warlord’s Chest! Well done!
A round of applause for all our runner ups: ROXERON, Morpheus ODI, Lunaceria, xyber, Beverlly, Zarathoth, and - Shyzue Rosario -. AND! Matteu’s 3 screenies depicting “The Ghosts of Frostval Past, Present, and Future” is deserving special recognition! The magnitude and quality of entries received was exceptional, making it a tough decision for our judges. We'd like to acknowledge these honorable mentions whose screenshots added to the festive joy of Frostval – so we’ve added a Soldier’s Chest to your inventories! Great work, everyone!
As we conclude our final contest of the year, we want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in our Frostval Screenshot Contest. Your screenies captured the magic (and mayhem) of the holiday season, spreading joy and inspiration across the world of Lore. Congratulations to all our winners, and thanks to everyone for sharing their unique perspectives with the real world! Stay tuned for more opportunities to showcase your talent in the New Year 2024, and may the magic of AQ3D continue to captivate us all! 🤩✨🎉
Battle on!
Beleen, the judges, and the AQ3D team
PS: Join us on New Years Eve for 3 anything-goes mini-live events. Fair warning, these hour-ish long unscripted events will be full of chaos & chests with Live Event Coins 🤑
On Sunday, December 31, 2023:
#1 Event Starts at 10am EST
#2 Event Starts at 6pm EST
#3 Event Starts at 11pm EST