Righteous Gemstones

EpicDuel EpicDuel

Righteous Gemstones

Nightwraith | Friday, August 16, 2024

New Evolving Gemstone Achievements

To help players invest their excess Credits accumulated over the years, we've introduced 6 new evolving achievements, each upgradeable to level 20. This amounts to thousands of Rating Points. A fair trade for a few million Credits! 

  • Raw Ruby
  • Raw Topaz
  • Raw Sapphire
  • Raw Emerald
  • Raw Amethyst
  • Raw Diamond

We may need some extra rating star levels after these are maxed out!


NPC-Only Cores

With this update we are introducing new NPC-only cores. These cores, while mostly identical to the correspondingly-named cores already in-game, can only be used in NPC-only battle modes. These modes include 1v1 NPC, 1v1 Boss, 2v1 Boss, and Simulation. Unlike their PvP counterparts, these cores are multi-use with 4-turn cooldowns:

  • Exsanguinating Shield (NPC): Available at Azrael
  • Flagellation (NPC): : Available at The Challenger
  • Chained Blood (NPC) Available at The Challenger
  • Feast of Flesh (NPC): Available at Alydroid
  • Titan's Shroud (NPC): Available at Titan
  • Hardened Armor (NPC): Available at Deuce
  • Infernal Surge (NPC): Available at Kraggor
  • Draconic Frost King's Will (NPC): Available at Titan

If you struggled against EpicDuel's toughest bosses in the past, these new cores might be just what you need to take them down!

Note: These cores will still be disabled in PvP battle modes even if your opponent is an NPC! For example, if you are matched with an NPC in 1v1 automatch mode, the cores will still be disabled.


New Bido Core

This update also introduces a new core available at Bido!

  • Bido's Bitters: Weak poison (5 HP per turn) that prevents stronger poisoning for 4 turns.

This core could be useful for countering heavy poison builds. Note: This core will not block poison attacks from NPCs.

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