| Thursday, October 11, 2018
Rare Item Hunt:
Rare Item Hunts offer the chance to find some of the rarest loot in Lore! An item (could be weapon, shield, face, etc.) is hidden in a background somewhere in the world of AQ. You will need to decipher the clue posted on our homepage and Event Page to uncover the item's location. This time we have hidden a Legion variant of the Pumpkin Slayer weapon. Don't miss out as this sinister blade will only be available until the end of October.
CLUE: Hidden among the ruins of a fallen shelter,
Pumpkins and the undead come together
Limited-Time Shop:
Now find the Ethereal Soul Drinker Blade and Scarecrow faces in the Limited-Time Shop! Feeding on the essence of your enemy to restore your HP and MP, this is one weapon you do not want to miss.
Moglins Preview:
After smashing the Kickstarter goal, 12 incredibly cute Moglin Plushie pets will soon arrive to AQ! They will not release this week as they are currently being worked on by your AQ team. Here is a preview of what the in-game versions will look like.