
AQ3D AdventureQuest 3D

The Blackthorn Fleet vs the Midori Kage II

Clarion | Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Blackthorn Fleet vs The Midori Kage Clan II

The drums of war continue in this week’s AdventureQuest 3D release. Both the Blackthorn Fleet and the Midori Kage Clan are locked into a conflict that threatens to wipe out both factions. Head over to Lolosia and speak to Yara Hara to start the questline which will result in you picking a side to fight for. For those of you returning from last week, you’ll find a new chapter of the storyline has opened up with unique story moments for both sides. Additionally, new housing shops have opened up at each faction’s provisioner. Salty Sally for the Blackthorn Fleet and Kikishi for the Midori Kage


Talk Like a Pirate Day Collection 2024

This year’s Talk Like a Pirate Day Collection is mixing things up a little bit! We are doing two class skins with a pet and travel form that have two different variants each. One is pirate-themed, while the other is ninja-themed. A little benefit to buying the collection is you won't have to spend class tokens on the armor for the skin. Speak to Gunpowder Marry in Battleon and purchase your collection for 6000 Dragon Crystals. Or, if housing is more your thing check out the new Talk Like a Pirate housing kit!


Two New Class Skins

The ultimate crossover of Talk Like a Pirate Day and Friday the 13th has just happened! The two new class skins being added to AdventureQuest 3D are the Doom Pirate and the Doom Ninja. Embrace your inner darkness and use unique DOOOOOOM-themed attacks for fan-favorite classes 


The Conflict Evolves

The storyline of this evolving conflict will continue as the war goes on but don’t forget… So do the rewards! The more of the meter your faction fills the more rewards that will be available to you!

Returning Content

Past Talk Like a Pirate Day collections have returned, speak to Gun Powder Marry to take a look at the previous collections.


Promo booty off the port bow!

This here September, we got treasure worth more than a boatload o’ gold: Draconic Dread Cannons! To get yer mits on these here dragon guns, all ye need is to plunder any packagefrom the upgrade shop, now packed with 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select bundles. But that ain't all, mateys! If ye be upgrading to one of them Guardian packages, the Draconic Cannons be yers with no extra pieces o' eight.

Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, and the AdventureQuest 3D crew

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