AdventureQuest 3D
| Friday, September 7, 2018
Greetings and salutations friend... we're about to do something crazy together. Want to join us?
You've had moglins at your side in our video games. Now, help us bring Moglins to the real world!
UPDATE: Congratulations! You've already unlocked 7 Moglin Stretch Goals. Thanks to you and over 1,100 of our amazing friends backing AdventureQuest Moglins, we were funded in 2 hours! At the time of this writing, we have reached 688% of our funding. You guys are AMAZING!
Moglins like Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, & Quibble are magical forest creatures born in our video game worlds. Back our Moglin Kickstarter to help them escape and join you in the real one.
Of course, each Moglin also comes with a code to unlock an in-game pet of itself in multiple Artix Entertainment video games.
Oh! Our new Artix Games Launcher lets you play our games (with your moglins) without needing a browser or the Flash plugin.
Put a Moglin on your desk to cheer you on. They’ll keep you company while writing, drawing, coding, and gaming. Moglins love to watch your favorite shows with you...even when no one else will. You can keep the joy for yourself, or give a Moglin to someone you love.
Moglins are the ultimate sidekicks for real life adventurers like you. Help us bring them from the fantasy world into the real one!
Check out all of the Moglins on our Kickstarter Page...