| Friday, February 5, 2021
Charfade had a few surprises saved in the back of her shop for those without Varium, but plenty of credits burning holes in their pockets! These Rusted Mini-Rexes have a mildly-less-potent special but pack the same powerful main attack! Plus, you can't really go wrong with the battle-damaged aesthetic!
Sold by Charfade:
Sold by Big Tuna:
MechQuest Anniversary: Launched 10-1-2007! That's 13 years of Mech-based combat! Thanks to Charfade and the Dragonoid, EpicDuel will always have a special connection to this exceptional RPG in Artix Entertainment's catalogue of games.
If the achievement weren't enough to show your MechQuest appreciation, stop by your home shop and take a gander at the latest offerings of MQ-themed banks and statues.