| Saturday, June 1, 2019
Do ya feel lucky, Hero? I hope so, because this weekend, The Shamrock Fair returns as we celebrate Lucky Day! Log in all weekend log for one of the most colorful holiday events of the year.
Lucky Day Fair events:
You can access the Fair RIGHT NOW when you /join Luck, and then continue to taste the painbow inthe /rainbow and /hedge maps!
Don't miss the many minigames you'll find at the Shamrock Fair:
Save up the Golden Tickets you earn from the minigames to purchase gear from the Lucky Day Shamrock Fair Merge Shop, and if you get a Lucky Hat or Lucky Top Hat from the Fair Token Shop, you'll earn double the number of Golden Tickets from any minigame you play!
Most people find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but we found the Evolved Leprechaun Class, and we can't think of a better Hero to /equip it than YOU.
You can get the Evolved Leprechaun Class in 2 ways:
Make your friends GREEN with envy as you battle through this Luckiest of weekends filled with LUK, leprechauns, and LOTS of loot!
Once a year the Shamrock Fair comes to town with it's games of chance. Here's hoping the luck of the Mog-lish bring you treasures of chance.
Wander through the fair and complete the minigame carnival events. Get Golden Tickets as prizes, then spend them in the Shamrock Fair merge shop! and test your luck with our mini-games, then /join luckdragon to help Galanoth get ALL the luck during his birthday Dragon Hunt!
Also Roy G. Biv needs help saving the colors, so /equip your rainbow and fight Monochrome!
The veil between our world and the Fae has thinned enough for you to enter the realm of the Fairy Queen. This weekend's Lucky Day expansion is based on Celtic fairy lore. Learn more about them, complete the Runestone's quest for prophecies and advice, and rank up your new Faerie Court rep.
Talk to Potsy in /luck. Battle his Pot o' Gold for a chance to get Bronze, Gold, Platinum, or Rainbow coins. Turn those coins in for a chance to get ALL the 0AC rewards below!