Lord Malrick Dreadrunner plus Necromancer Changes

AQ3D AdventureQuest 3D

Lord Malrick Dreadrunner + Necromancer Changes

Clarion | Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lord Malrick Dreadrunner 

Lord Malrick Dreadrunner has made his appearance in the Underworld this dark warrior wields the Sacred Wind much like Sir Sanrick the Swift but has sworn allegiance to Dage’s Undead Legion. Malrick is a new level 50 seasonal boss that drops his armor set and weapon, a new Travel Form where you take on the power of a Dreadrunner, and has a 100% chance to drop Sacred Rings for those who need to catch up with Sanrick’s gear. Malrick’s event leaves on the 23rd of April but will return next year during the first release of March 2026.


Necromancer Changes

We’ve heard you loud and clear about Necromancer needing to get looked at. So in combination with Dark Caster coming out as Necromancer’s first Class Skin with this upcoming Dage collection, we’ve made some changes to how Necromancer performs in the hope of bringing its power more in line with the other classes.

  • Necromancer Changes: 

    • Summon Undead now lasts 20 sec / 30 sec, up from 8.75 / 11.25

    • Summon Undead now has increased HP and Armor

    • You can now resummon your Undead which will replace the current summon

    • Summon Undead now has ranged attacks.

    • Grand Summon now has increased HP and Armor

    • Grand Summon now has a new Sweep attack


Back Accessory Item Conversions

Two more back items have been converted into back accessories per request from the community. This week, "Derpicorn on your Back” and  “Auden's Traveling Merchant Pack” are joining the back accessories roster.


Dage Screenshot Saturday WInners

Next week we'll be announcing the winners of the Dage Screenshot Contest so stay tuned!


Pre-Order Alert!  XXV Undead Legion Bundle

Lock in your special pre-order price for the XXV Undead Legion Bundle, featuring a chilling Dage Upon A Throne poster, a Talisman of Caladbolg T-shirt, a Caladbolg of Dage enamel pin, and a Gaze of the Underworld collector’s print! Pre-Order here.


New Promo Items: Twin Bladed Axes of the Legion

Gilded Twin Bladed Axe of the Legion: Arriving as the promotional item for March, this gleaming weapon is the perfect blend of deadly and elegant. As always, there is a variant available to Guardians at no additional cost. A friendly reminder that all Dragon Crystal packages have a 50% bonus on them!

Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, and the AQ3D team

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