| Friday, February 5, 2021
The moglins of Frostvale were excited about the holiday, just like every year. But this year... something just isn't right. The sun is growing dim, and the cold has a strange flavor. Sick and sour and unsettling. The little moglins cry for no reason; villagers feel a darkness inside -- despair? -- that they cannot explain. It’s getting bad enough that they may have to cancel Frostval… unless YOU can find out what’s causing this and stop it.
This weekend, log in then /join howardshill and talk to Blizzy to begin our newest holiday event!
We've got a sleigh fullof rewards coming your way this weekend! Battle the boss mosnter in /howardshill to find to find the Blizzy Protec Battle Pet plus new pets and capes, then slay monsters to gather the resources needed to create the pieces of the Arctic Eldritch armor set in the merge shop.
Log in to get a new, special Frostval 2020 holiday gift each week this month! This Friday, you new gift is a free 0 AC Ski Lodge House! Find it in Quibble's Shop for a limited time. If you have the Bag of Gems Quest Cape from the Frostval 2020 collection, complete the quest at ANY time and the house will drop as a 0 AC reward.
PLUS find a new server boosts, item, or farming resource boost added every day
Happy holidays, Hero! Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase.
Coming next week:
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