EpicDuel Progress Report

EpicDuel EpicDuel

EpicDuel Progress Report

Nightwraith | Thursday, July 18, 2024

Progress Report

The upcoming Battlepass, Nanotech Nightmare, is still in progress.This update features some new armors which will require a few changes to the character animation timeline. These changes are minor, but there are 8,000+ frames in the timeline, so the update is taking more time than expected. Everything else is going smoothly so the update is expected to go live next week!

We didn't want you to go too long without any updates so we're implementing a few small changes while you wait!


 Balance Changes

  • Reactive Armor: 50% —> 25% melee reflection at max; new values: 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 21%, 22%, 23%, 24%, 25%
  • Force Field: +25 energy cost to all levels
  • Tactical Reload: No longer puts the associated weapon on cooldown
  • War Commander (Gun): +4 Dexterity instead of Strength
  • War Commander (Aux): +4 Support instead of Strength


Achievement Updates

  • Olympic Games 4 is now available form the Seasonal section of the achievement shop.
  • Rising Star achievement, awarded for earning the most fame in a day, is now tiered with 5 tiers. Those who qualify for the higher tiers will automatically receive the corresponding achievement.

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