| Friday, November 22, 2024
Hey there, heroes!
This year's Thankstaking finale has arrived!
Thankstaking is here, and Ruby's entangled you in yet another plot... With the help of Ruby's brother Rudy, you've managed to capture Dr. Voltabolt's estranged sister, Joules. But will Dr. Voltabolt be able to convince her to set aside her hatred for one day? No, probably not. It's time to save Falconreach once again!
If you can save Thankstaking again this year, you'll earn a weapon with a new On-Hit special effect! It has a 20% chance to apply -3 All to your foe... but also gives them +10 Boost! (Does not stack with other minus resist effects like Ice Scythe) If you're using an Energy element attack, however, the chance to apply the effect increases drastically to 60%!
You can access Clash of the Robots form the Book of Lore or the Thankstaking Storybook!
Also this week, a new cosmetic cape has been added to the DC Cosmetics shop!
The magnificent Celestial Ascension wings are now available for 500 DCs!
DragonFable's Black Friday sale is here! House Utility items are now 50% off!
The Storybook Collection, Armor Closet, Greenscreen Mirror, and Armor Portal Statue are now available for half price!
You can find them in the house item shops and the Book of Lore's House Utility shop!
And that's all for this week!
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