| Friday, November 22, 2024
Visit the Challenger for a new stock of returning Battlepass items! Also, all seasonal rare items have returned to their respective shops!
Missed a few months (or years) of EpicDuel updates? No problem! The Challenger's inventory has been boosted with a fresh stock of returning Battlepass items from this past year.
Also, all hairstyles from these Battlepasses are now ready to purchase from the style shop. Basic styles are available for Credits while Enhanced styles are available for Varium.
As in past years, all seasonal rares have returned to their respective shops! These rares will remain until sometime after the conclusion of Gifting. Combined with the return of the Battlepass rares, this an excellent time to complete your collections and boost your achievement score!
The Epic Supporter and Legendary Epic Supporter achievements have been retired and will be replaced with new Epic Gifting Supporter (10,000 AP packages) and Legendary Epic Gifting Supporter (20,000 AP package) achievements. These achievements will be available throughout Gifting and will eventually be replaced with 2025 achievements sometime after Gifting ends so there will be a limited time to max them out!
In addition to the new Epic Gifting Supporter and Legendary Epic Gifting Supporter achievements, we will also offer recognition to those who purchase the 4,000 Artix Point packages in the form of a Gifting Supporter 2024 evolving achievement! This achievement will also be applied to those who purchase the 20,000 AP and 10,000 AP packages.
We are hard at work conceptualizing and rendering the rewards for this year's Gifting. Below are some previews of the Alpha-Omega Valkyrie collection, which will work similarly to the Cyber Wolf Collection from last year. This set will offer rewards from 10,000 Gifts all the way up to 1 million! These are still just a few of the reward items that are still in-progress.
Please keep in mind that these are still works-in-progress so the exact designs may change before their final release at the conclusion of Gifting. We are working hard to maximize the rewards so we will try to have as many reward items as possible while still maintaining a high level of quality!
As we approach Gifting, we will need to pause the alignment War as soon as the current war for Frysteland ends. Please do not be alarmed if you see the cooldown timer extend to 10,000 hours or something like that. We must do this because the War and Gifting aren't able to run at the same time. The War will resume its regular schedule sometime after Gifting ends.