Balance and Battlepass

EpicDuel EpicDuel

Balance for Dessert

Nightwraith | Friday, March 21, 2025

EpicDuel is back with some incredible new Gifter rewards and a light helping of balance changes and bug fixes. Plus, there is a special announcement and explanation concerning the upcoming Battlepass progress.


Balance Change and Fixes:

  • Skill/Core Changes
    • Jack Frost Fury P/E: 25% robot damage as MP poison --> Flat -50 MP for 2 turns; keeps initial energy drain based on damage; Can't stack with other MP poison effects
    • Darkeater's Impaler: 3 --> 2 turn duration; 85% --> 100% damage
    • Minotaur's Rage P/E: 25% --> 30% defense reduction; removed stun chance
    • Icy Overkill (gun and aux): 110% --> 100% damage
    • Revolver Revolution: Animation updated to use existing sidearm instead of revolver
    • Bot summon animations: Hide sidearm and auxiliary to improve performance while bot and skill animations play.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Primary/Gun/Auxiliary Mastery are not correctly adding +10% damage on normal attacks
    • Vigor x30 (aux): Visual bug displaying +7 Dexterity and +7 Support 
    • NPCs will use Brace sometimes when they cannot use an action instead of freezing and timing out
    • 16 Year Alpha Achievement text error

There is also a known issue in which NPCs can still target users with Lionhart's Shield active. This is mainly seen in 2v2. As a failsafe, the shield has extreme damage reduction forcing the minimum damage values (30-50 depending on attack type). This will have to be the case until an ideal solution is found.


Battlepass and Gifting Rewards Update

Remember when we mentioned in an earlier DN post that the next Battlepass would be ready in March. Well, it's almost April, and still no Battlepass. What's the deal? We knew Gifting rewards would take up a big chunk of the year, but we had no idea until the event ended that we would still owe so many rewards. Lodrian and I have been working constantly for the last 2 months to complete the rewards as efficiently as possible, and while we've made good progress getting the list down to a more manageable level, there are still about 20 more to go.

I thought initially that I could work on rewards during the "day shift" and the Battlepass content on the "night shift." That clearly didn't go as intended and both shifts were devoted to Gifting rewards. I know it seems like these things are taking forever, but please keep in mind it's just Lodrian and I making all the content you see in game, with occasional help from Tomcat and Bido. Even with others helping with content production, old crusty Nightwraith is still the only one who can implement the items in-game. EpicDuel's artists work hard and are very efficient with their time, but the fact remains that I'm THE bottleneck to anything new being added to the game. With that consideration, I will be shifting to focus on the Battlepass almost exclusively until its launch, after which I will shift back to rewards.

I understand that this decision has the potential to upset both Gifters who were expecting their rewards soon AND everyone else in the community who expected a new Battlepass (or any new content, really) soon than later, but it has to be done for the overall health of the game unless folks are willing to wait until Summer for the next Battlepass.

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding. I hope to have the new Battlepass ready as soon as I can before returning in earnest to the Gifting rewards. I wish I could do both at the same time, but we are all confined by the physical bounds of this reality.


NEW Undead Legion Heromart Bundle

XXV Undead Legion - Bundle

Unleash the dark power of Dage the Evil’s Undead Legion Bundle! Embrace your darker side with chilling and terrifying designs straight from the twisted heart of the Undead Legion. These items will send a shiver down the spine of anyone who dares face you. Prove your loyalty as a devoted follower of the Legion!

"If you already own the poster and don't want the bundle to include it use code DAGETHRONEPSTOWNER to receive a discount, you must enter this code at checkout using the same account that the original poster was purchased."

*NOTE: HeroMart Bundles are the best value. You get all the physical products plus digital in-game items and exclusive badges and titles.

This Bundle includes the following rewards in EpicDuel:

  • Achievement - Keeper of Underworld
  • Weapon - Letum Codex Blade P
  • Weapon - Letum Codex Blade E

That's just a taste of the rewards included across AE's main games!

Visit HEROMART now to get this pre-order while you still can!

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