| Saturday, June 1, 2019
A voice cries out from the Void. It screams "BUFF ME!" We answer, "Oh...Ok." This update sees a substantial buff to the skills of Azrael's Evolution promo pack in addition to a huge blast from the past you probably thought you'd never see again in EpicDuel!
In response to player feedback, we've buffed the damage from the promotional cores to make them worth the sacrifice of precious HP for the boost to damage output. We've also made some adjustments to class skills, including an change that could make Intimidate a much saucier skill for Mercenaries and Blood Mages!
Step into the Afterlife with a partner and challenge the Legendary Void King for the battle of your life (or unlife)!
In desperate need of energy? Temporarily sacrifice some armor for a full tank with this potent new active armor core available from Endless M4tr1x.
As a blast from the past, the Health and Energy Packs and Boosters have returned to Vendbots and Valestra! The Health Packs and Boosters are affected by Heal modifiers like Critical Heal and the Medical Mastery Legendary Skill.
Need a boost to your Rating Points and have a few credits to spare...or a few million? Give yourself a belated Valentine by with the new upgradeable Tiny Heart Achievement!