| Friday, June 7, 2024
Hey there, heroes!
This week, we're finishing off the Ties That Bind board with some visitors from the Void!
From the hidden depths of the Void emerge the Void Dragons, the Creatioux Ancient and Decadere Ancient! A species once divided and diverged, they've reunited once more as your opponents in this week's challenge!
If you can claim victory over both of them, you'll earn the Lance of the Lost Kin, a powerful weapon that changes appearances and swaps its Crit and Bonus stats when clicked!
If you think you have what it takes to face them, head over to the Inn at the Edge of Time!
Also this week, DragonFable's Anniversary Dragon Coin Specials have returned!
New this year, the Draconic Hero's Wings are here! These wings are color custom to your dragon's wings and horn color!
We also have popular returning items like the Ancient and Doomed Dragon Scythes and more!
Check them out in the Book of Lore!
A small fix:
More bugfixes are on the way! Unfortuantely, there wasn't much time this week for hunting them down.
And that's all for this week!
With Book 3's finale coming at the end of this month, we still have more awesome DragonFable Anniversary releases and announcements on the way! We hope you look forward to hearing about them!
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