| Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Recently, we've been making some changes to the daily login gift lineup based on your feedback. One of the new additions is weekly treasure hunts.
Defeat the Frogzard in /battleontown to get the UwU Treasure Hunt clue. The clue + reward will be available will be available through May 8th.
Defeat the Frogzard in /battleontown to get the Golden Treasure Hunt clue. The clue + reward will be available through May 1st.
Earlier this month, we posted an in-game poll to see what kind of difficulty levels you'd like for these Treasure Hunts. The resulst broke down to the following:
That breaks down to around 44% of heroes who just want easy, fun item hunts and about 56% of heroes who want something a bit more challenging. Our current plan is to do a mix of each difficulty levels in a given month, in addition to other types of activities as inspiration strikes.
Note: You don't need to have the clue in your inventory or bank in order to get the reward drop from the monster.
If you learn where it is from a friend, a video, or the wiki, that's also fine! Getting the clue just adds to the fun of the hunt for those who want the extra challenge.