| Saturday, March 6, 2021
Do ya feel lucky, Hero? I hope so, because this weekend, The Shamrock Fair returns as we celebrate Lucky Day! Log in all weekend log for one of the most colorful holiday events of the year.
Lucky Day Fair events:
You can access the Fair RIGHT NOW when you /join Luck, and then continue to taste the painbow inthe /rainbow and /hedge maps!
Don't miss the many minigames you'll find at the Shamrock Fair:
Save up the Golden Tickets you earn from the minigames to purchase gear from the Lucky Day Shamrock Fair Merge Shop, and if you get a Lucky Hat or Lucky Top Hat from the Fair Token Shop, you'll earn double the number of Golden Tickets from any minigame you play!
The veil between our world and the Fae has thinned enough for you to return to the realm of the Fairy Queen.
This weekend's Lucky Day expansion is based on the Celtic lore of the Pooka. Battle this Trickster for a chance to unlock gorgeous new fae-themed gear!
Most people find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but we found the Evolved Leprechaun Class, and we can't think of a better Hero to /equip it than YOU
You can get the Evolved Leprechaun Class in 2 ways:
Make your friends GREEN with envy as you battle through this Luckiest of weekends filled with LUK, leprechauns, and LOTS of loot!
Starting this weekend, Awe enhancements receive an update, and drastically increase in power! These changes are designed to make every Awe enhancement a solid choice to use in specific situations, and will give a boost to many classes that might not have felt as strong to you. Many of the Awe enhancements have always been weaker than others.
Our goal with these changes was to make them more rewarding, fun, and to give you a new element of gameplay, while not completely changing the enhancements you're familiar with.
Awe Enhancements are weapon enhancements you can unlock after completing the Blade of Awe questline. (Talk to Valencia in the /museum map if you haven't started the quests yet.)
When you apply an Awe Enhancement to your weapon, your auto attacks have a chance to activate an additional skill! These newly buffed awe enhancements are:
Spiral Carve
15% chance to deal 200% Hybrid Damage as Physical damage type
Apply Spiral Carve to yourself for 10 seconds, increasing your crit chance by 25%.
Awe Blast
30% chance to deal 100% Hybrid Damage as Physical damage type
Apply Awe Blast to your opponent for 10 seconds, decreasing their damage resistance and crit chance by 15%.
Health Vamp
50% chance to deal 80% Hybrid Damage as True damage type
Heal yourself for 125% of the noncrit damage dealt.
Mana Vamp
80% chance to deal 50% Hybrid Damage as True damage type
Recover 10 mana.
Powerword Die
0.3% chance to deal 999,999 True damage
Damage updates
A few of the awe enhancements will now use True Damage- a special type that ignores all resistance and damage boosting secondary stats (but can still crit).
We opted to give a few of the Awe enhancements this damage type to increase their viability in PvP, and prevent them from being too scalable in PvE.
Animation updates
We chose to remove the pose animations on most of the awe enhancements. This was done because they interrupt auto-attack animations, and are very frequent now.
These Awe Enhancement changes also tie into the next change...
This weekend, the Mithril PVP Amulet arrives, offering a whopping +15,000 HP in PvP Battlegrounds! That means more classes will have an opportunity to use their skills when fighting against opponents with high burst damage.
How to obtain: Merge the Diamond and Platinum PvP Amulets (from /thevoid) in either the /doomarena 1v1 or Combat Trophy merge shops to obtain it.
Dage is a HUGE PVP fan, and we wanted to time the amulet's release with his birthday event, as a gift from him and the balance team. Stronger PVP Amulets have been planned for quite a while, but haven't been introduced until now because it would have made a few classes too powerful.
But with the class buffs released over the last few years and the buffed Awe enhancements, the PVP experience will feel a lot better, especially if you haven't entered the arena in a while.
Our balance team knows this will cause some substantial shifts in PVP. That means some of the matchups you're used to may not go quite as you expect anymore. We'll be keeping an eye on your feedback and will revisit PVP balance in a few months to make adjustments as needed if any less fun or unfairly dominant scenarios arise.