| Friday, March 12, 2021
Celebrate darkness, destruction, and Dage the Evil's birthday this weekend! Dage's seasonal birthday event returns, along with a new collection of gear for 2021. Get all of the 80+ event rare item plus the new, seasonal AC gear: including 9 armor sets, quest pet, and a rare exclusive character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (Over 30,000 ACs worth of gear)
This week, unlock:
This year's chest also includes the following seasonal AC items:
Dage's 2021 Dark Birthday Rares Shop and Collection will be updated each week of our three-week celebration, and includes over 80 items, plus a character page badge and the Collection Chest pet! If you buy the chest this week, you'll automatically receive the new items with the next release.
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Dark Caster Collection Chest pet itself, all of the gear contained inside the Dark Caster Collection Chest will also be available individually in his Birthday Shop.
* This werewolf is as tall as YOU are! O_O