| Friday, February 5, 2021
Our Dark Holiday 2020 Collection, featuring a backpack FULL of new Black Friday rares, is now available in Battleon! Find dark variants of your favorite gear arrive, plus all-new sets created just for this shop. The seasonal Black Friday gear also returns. Read on for more information about the gear you'll find in the shop this weekend!
Rare collectors, take note! The Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest -- with all of the new seasonal and rare event items -- will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of the Dark Holiday 2020 rare + new seasonal shop items (over 25,000 ACs worth of gear).
Dark Holiday 2020 Collection Chest contains:
* You'll also be able to farm for the Shadow Dragon Shinobi class starting Friday night.
** The seasonal M4trix SkyGuard Uniform set will arrive on Monday with the other new and returning seasonal Cyber Monday items!
*** The Dark RainWalker helms + Shadow Slasher armor will arrive next week as daily login gifts so all players can enjoy them!
A few important tips to remember:
The Hollowborn Evoker set, created for Black Friday by AQW Community artist, Yo Lae, is a Black Friday seasonal collection chest. Unlock a TON of dark, deadly items for 5,000 AdventureCoins when you get the Hollowborn Chest pet (items available in the pet's shop).
The Hollowborn Collection includes:
The Hollowborn Chest is seasonal, and will return every Black Friday. (Please note, the Hollowborn Chest does not receive new items each year, and will not receive the 2020 Hollowborn Nightmare farming items. You can battle the boss this weekend to unlock those.)