| Friday, August 13, 2021
Log in and join special guest Aurelio Voltaire and your fellow heroes in a battle through a tale of love and loss. Rage and revenge. The Legend of Deadfly comes to life this weekend. Say his name three times... IF YOU DARE!
Many years ago, when Sepulchure ruled the ShadowScythe, a young Loremaster fell deeply in love with one of her master's skeletal minions. But minions are meant to be mindless, and romance forbidden. His punishment? Destruction, and his soul banished to the Underworld. His love has turned into rage so strong, part of his spirit has stayed connected to our world.
The legends say, anyone foolish enough to summon him will meet a fate worse than his. If you dare… stare into the portal and say his name three times. Deadfly. Deadfly. Deadfly.
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like Evil Armies of Undead and Horror Movies. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome him back for another musical event!
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general).
This weekend, slay your enemies to the sound of music from his 2017 single "Monsterous Lovers" as his adorably-globular goblin companion looks on, then get your own Globlin Hand Sanitizer cover from his online store.
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
Battle through this weekend's event to unlock a merge shop full of dark and deadly reward items! And defeat monsters in /deadfly or /rotfinger to collect new item drops.
Legend of Deadfly rewards include:
Find all-new wicked-cool Friday the 13th event rare items in your game menu now, available through Friday, September 3rd.
The Friday the 13th Event Rares Shop features: