Alina | Thursday, April 1, 2021
Just in time for National Garden month, we are proud to announce our newest MMOFGE (massively multiplayer online farming game event)... Gaiden GardenQuest Worlds: Tournament Edition!
Talk to the Number One BattleOn Garden Arts Tournament Announcer to begin.
Who will stand victorious today? Battle on to find out!
Farming for new gear can be time-consuming... but if you put in the effort, you'll reap the rewards! Battle the Vegiyans in battleontown to harvest a bounty of new reward items! (Over 50 new items for all players)
No collection chest time this around. (Honest!) All of the prices you see in the rares shop are correct. From the free player gold Peasant Rags of Awe set to the 10 ACs, K? chest pet... all the way to the DOUBLE StarkCaster parody armor sets!
Relive the laughter as you travel back in time to revisit all our previous April Fool's Battleon town maps. (None of the rare items will return, but you'll find a few new monsters with 0 AC reward drops).
Find and defeat the Rainbow Derpicorn to get its house item drop. Complete the quest to unlock a character page badge. DEEEEEEEEEEERP!