| Saturday, November 9, 2024
Log in now to check out this weekend's new rare sets! Find the Grand Pirate King and Follower of Eos sets now now in your Game Menu shop for AdventureCoins. (If you have the 2024 TLaPD collection, you'll find added to your chest pet's shop!)
The Soulsworn are devoted to a memory they can't recall. They vow to make a mountain of bodies to reach the sun and tear it down... Will YOU climb with them, or be ground underfoot? Find the rare Follower of Eos armor set in your Featured Gear Shop until Friday, December 20th!
Find the items now in your Featured Gear Shop
Back in September, we announced that Kotaro's Grand Pirate King gear -- one of the sets expected to release in Quibble Coinbiter's Abyssal Fortune collection -- would be delayed. I promised that once it was ready, we'd add it automatically to the chest and make it available for everyone else to buy in a limited-time shop. At long last, the cargo has been released and the items have hit the digital shelves!
Grand Pirate King Pirate King's Hat Pirate King's Advisor Hair Pirate King's Regal Hair Pirate King's Spiked Hair Pirate King's Spectacled Beard Pirate King's Smart Advisor Pirate King's Beard Pirate King's Bearded Advisor Lightning Sea Splitter |
Pirate Queen's Side-Tail Pirate Queen's Locks Pirate Queen's Neat Locks Pirate Queen's Cap + Glasses Pirate Queen's Spectacled Locks Pirate Queen's Spectacled Side-Tail The Sea's Adoration ground rune Dark Waters ground rune Sea King's Arabella Blade The Sea's Adoration House Guard |
NOTE: If you have the Abyssal Fortune Collection Chest, you do not need to buy the items from the Grand Pirate King shop in your game menu. The items are already in your collection pet chest shop.
NOTE 2: Back in September, I retweeted a post from Kotaro and said the set would arrive in the TLaPD collection chest. That was faulty on several levels. The image was a few years old, and it was of an NPC, not an armor set. I apologize for any upset my mistake caused.