| Monday, June 5, 2023
This weekend, log in and head to this Summer's newest boss battle in Lavarock Bay! Prinsesa Anina needs your help to quell the fury of the volcano's guardian dragon, Kalayo. Defeat it, and she'll reward you with some of the hottest gear of the year!
Kalayo is a dragon that has come to nest in the caldera of the Lavarock volcano. Though hatched far away, on the shores of her homeland, it has taken on a divine duty. It prevents intruders from tainting the pure flames of the volcano with our mortality.
Head to LavaRock Bay and talk to Prinsesa Anina for super-heated boss battles:
Plus, this weekend, we're also bringing you:
Dueling Kalayo is a sacred obligation Prinsesa Anina's people accepted. To show her gratitude, all heroes can unlock new rewards in the Lavarock Merge Shop in /lavarockbay.
Lavarock Merge Shop Gear
Heroes who are level 75 and higher and can defeat its stronger form, Kasuko, for higher drop quantites of the Volcanic Essence, and to complete the Molten Core daily quest required to forge the:
This week's boss battle was inspired by the mythology of the Philippines. As we approach Filipino Independence Day, we wanted to honor all of our Filipino heroes who've battled alongside us for so many years.
Last Friday, the Underworld Fifth Master set, Novastriker set, and the Grievous Fiend Spear were accidentally pulled from the Featured Gear Shop early. They have been added back now and stay until June 16th, as originally announced.