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Battle to save the Celestial Realm

Alina | Saturday, March 1, 2025

Part 2 of the Aranx's Saga Finale

After 10 years, the final confrontation against Azalith, fallen Infernal Archangel is here. Many will fall as you fight. Survive and you'll discover the secret of the Celestial Realm's creation and the fate of Aranx's family.

New Game Release

Story: Celestial Realm Finale, Pt 2 in the /InfernalDianoia
Story Rewards: Celestial of Mysteries + Dominion armor sets, pets, and more
Yokai New Year Rewards: more Sturdy Serpent Soldier parody gear
Featured Gear: rare Infernal armor + Yokai New Year set, seasonal Carnaval set
Astral Alignment Gear: Astral Symbiote & Astral Alignment weapons

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: Get double Gold, Rep, Class Points, and Exp until Monday!
Saturday: rare Infernal + Celestial Symbiote armors from Infernal Warlord + Aranx bosses in /celestialarena
Sunday: rare Underworld x Carnaval fusion armors in /DarkFortress from Dage + the merge shop

Mysterious & Glorious Reward Gear

Fate is an enigmatic creature, even to the other Avatars. But with enough devotion and determination, it is written in the stars that you'll be able to unlock all of this weekend's bright and dark finale rewards from the /infernaldianoia map

Battle to help Aranx and you'll be able to begin unlocking all of his saga finale reward gear. Items are broken up into "normal" and "hard" difficulty levels. Return next week to unlock the rest of his gloriously-golden gear and a character page badge!

Week 2 Rewards: Hard Difficulty

If you have obtained last week's Archangel of Mysteries armor, helm, and wings, and are at least level 90, you'll be able to partake in a new farming quest to unlock the rest of his gloriously-golden gear and a character page badge! Rewards:

  • Celestial of Mysteries armor: deals 40% more damage to Human and Elemental monsters, gives 40% more Class Points and Rep when equipped
  • Archangel of Mysteries pet: deals 25% more damage to all monsters
  • Character page badge

Week 2 Rewards: Normal Difficulty

  • Infernal-themed armor, helm, wings + crown

Week 1 Rewards: Normal Difficulty

  • Astral Celestial armor, hood, halo helm
  • Astral Celestial Wings
  • Furled Fallen Aranx Wings
  • Wreathed Fallen Aranx Wings
  • Evolved Fallen Aranx Wings
  • Fallen Aranx Wings

Week 1 Rewards: Hard Difficulty

  • Archangel of Mysteries armor (standing variant)
  • Archangel of Mysteries hood + wings

Plus, return next week for an infernally-fantastic new farming reward set!

Celestial Realm Saga Overview

The three Celestial Avatars of Time, Death, and Life are missing. A portal to the Infernal Realm (two realms to the left of the Underworld) has been opened by Chamat, the Queen of Monsters’ talented Lieutenant. Infernal creatures are flooding into the Celestial Realm, and Aranx needs YOUR help to drive the dark beasts out and discover where the Avatars have gone -- if his world falls… Lore will be next!

Battle through a succession of pocket dimensions as you search for the long-lost Lady of the Celestial Realm, Arthelyn. Whoever captured her holds the heart of an entire people in their hands… or claws. Find her, and we save the Realm... for Good!

Make sure you're caught up on the story through /celestialpast. You'll need that lore foundation to begin this week's update in /infernalparadise. Return next week for part 2 of the Celestial Realm Saga finale!

  • Introduction: celestialrealm
  • Chapter 1: lostruins
  • Chapter 2: lostruinswar
  • Chapter 3: Infernalspire + Spirepast
  • Chapter 4: PocketDimension + SandDimension + IceDimension + DarkDimension + Ivoliss
  • Chapter 5: CelestialPast

Challenge Arenas (not part of the linear story):

  • CelestialArena
  • InfernalArena
  • GoldenArena
  • AzalithArena

Astral Alignment Rewards

A rare Great Planetary Alignment of 7 planets takes place tonight... and we're celebrating with new astral drops in /starfield and in Lezard Man's merge shop! 

Battle the Astral Spirit in the /starfield until March 14th to get the Astral Alignment Blades. Use them to craft the Astral Alignment GreatBlades. Plus, find the member-only Celestial Symbiote armor.

Tonight, Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars will all line up in the night sky. This rare astronomical event will leave you starry-eyed... IF you're able to see it. But if you can't, you can still head in-game and find all our out-of-this-world gear commemorating the event! (h/t to ScienceAlert for the primer on planetary alignments.)

Event Reminders

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest Bug Fixes and Balance Changes are in their patch notes.

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