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Titanic New Featured Gear

Alina | Friday, July 15, 2022

Available for a Limited Time Only

If you don’t fight, you can’t win. To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Tyronius crafted all-new, titanically massive new sets for you to collect and equip! Find the the Golden Paladin Titan, Regal Vindicator Titan, and his ShadowFire Prince birthday sets starting this weekend in-game!

This week's Titanic Featured Gear Shop update contains:

  • Golden Paladin Titan Armor
  • Golden Paladin Titan's Helm
  • Golden Paladin Titan's Cloak + Bladed Cloak
  • Golden Paladin Titan's Blade + Daggers
  • Golden Paladin Titan's Blade Pet
  • Regal Vindicator Titan Armor
  • Regal Vindicator Titan XL Armor
  • Regal Vindicator Titan Helm
  • Regal Vindicator Titan Cloak
  • Regal Vindicator Titan Axe + Dual Axes

Tyronius also crafted a new seasonal ShadowFire set to celebrate his birthday! 

  • ShadowFire Prince Armor
  • ShadowFire Prince Morph Helm
  • ShadowFire Prince Skull Face Helm
  • ShadowFire Prince's Sword
  • ShadowFire Prince's Claw (single + dual wield)
  • Tyronius' Big Birthday Face helm
  • ShadowFire Balloons Cape
  • Shadow of Tyronius Guardian cape

Get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC Pack

Our Summer AC Bonus is still on... but it won't last forever. Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package you buy for a limited time. If you're excited about this month's Limited Quantity Sets, Titan rares, and more, this is the time to top up!

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Get 60,000 ACs while our Summer Bonus is on!

During our Summer AC bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

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