| Friday, May 13, 2022
Friday the 13th has returned once again… and as in years past, something dark, deadly, and VERY strange is happening on Lore. This weekend, log in and join special guest Aurelio Voltaire as he browses through Mysterious Johnson's Oddities Shop. And to help you get in the SPIRIT of the event *cough* - just a note of caution: Don't. Touch. The. Doll. O_O
After you complete tonight's event, talk to Mysterious Johnson and complete his quest to farm for wicked new reward gear. Plus, battle this weekend's boss monster to unlock the pieces of the Spooky Spirit Hunter armor set!
His mysterious merge shop includes:
Plus, return next Friday as we add in even more gear* will arrive in the merge shop and as monster drops!
Note: the Necrayaya set for Cinco de Mayo has also been added! Battle the Zard in Battleontown to collect all of the 0 AC and member-only seasonal set items!
It wouldn't be Friday the 13th without new rare gear to commemorate the event -- and this week, our artists have channeled the madness of the moon and the healing power of some very dark and deadly forces. Find the Moonlit Couture and Cursed Healer sets in your Featured Gear Shop until Friday, June 10th.
What is undead can never die… Not when there is always another Friday the 13th. /join Voltairetown to battle through all our previous Friday the 13th seasonal events.
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Friday the 13th and Aurelio Voltaire go together like Evil Armies of Undead and Horror Movies. So of course, this Friday our always-positive, family-friendly game team and community want to welcome him back for another musical event! This weekend, slay your enemies as the strains of his songs, "The Headless Waltz," "Goodnight Demonslayer" and "The Night" echo through the halls of Mysterious Johnson's Oddities Shop. Stay up to date with all his music, art, and news updates on his site and once you've finished the event, make sure you check out his Youtube series, "Gothic Homemaking with Aurelio Voltaire."
Aurelio Voltaire is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He has appeared in almost ALL of the AQWorlds Friday the 13th events... and has become a fan-favorite for our players (not to mention beloved by goths, trekkies, and music-lovers in general).
On behalf of the entire AdventureQuest Worlds team, we want to thank Aurelio Voltaire for being a part of this special event!
*including several armor sets themed on Aurelio Voltaire's NPC designs!
Tonight, the Class Test Realm opens! As a reminder, this server will be for people to try out and give feedback for in-development classes and class changes. Anyone who’s over level 40 and has a confirmed email can join this server. You can read more about this here. Once you join the server, you can find information about the classes and how to give feedback by speaking to Arlen.
Remember that nothing on the CTR server is final, and everything you see is subject to change. There won’t always be changes in progress, and not every class change will pass through the Class Test Realm. However, you can keep up to date on the CTR by joining the official Discord, or following the AQW Class Council on Twitter!
Battle Healer has been finalized and made into its own item. You can find it in the PvP Trophies Merge, where the other PvP classes are.
Reminders About Class Points (courtesy of our Bugs department)
Class Points are obtained when you kill any monster, but will scale based on your and your opponent’s level.
In order to receive full class points, your opponent must be the same or higher level than you. For each level they’re lower than you, you will receive 5% less Class Points.
For example, if your opponent is lower by:
This means that you cannot fight super low level monsters to effectively rank up classes when you’re of a high level!
Darkness. Destruction. And madness are all happening this month in AdventureQuest Worlds! Don't miss a moment, a battle, or a limited time reward.
Friday, May 20: Featured Gear Shop sets: Seraphic Surveillance + Blossom Kimono leave
Friday, May 27:
Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.