AQ3D Treasure Chest Trove

AQ3D AdventureQuest 3D

Over 400 Items Await in AQ3D’s Treasure Chest Trove!

Beleen | Sunday, February 9, 2025

Chest Day, Every Day: Luck & Legendary Loot

Get ready to test your luck and reap the rewards! Treasure Chests in AdventureQuest 3D are packed with over 400 items, ensuring there’s always something fresh every time you open one up. Whether you’re after gorgeous gear, stylish cosmetics, Pets, Travel Forms, or those coveted Dragon Crystals, Treasure Chests are your key to daily surprises and epic equips. 

ELI Level 5: What Are Treasure Chests?

Treasure Chests are a wonderful way to get exclusive items. Every time you open a Treasure Chest, you’ll receive 3 items of varying rarity. You can buy Treasure Chests with Dragon Crystals, you can open a FREE Treasure Chest daily, and you can even win a Treasure Chest in various contests – such as the Screenshot Saturday: Back to the Action contest happening right now! This contest ends TODAY, Sunday, February 9th, at 11:59pm ET (Florida time), so be sure to enter if you want a chance at winning a free Treasure Chest or even the grand prize of 2,000 DCs! 

👉 Click here to see the contest rules

Types of Treasure Chests

  1. Soldier’s Chest (FREE Daily Chest)
  • 1x Uncommon or higher item
  • 1x random resource / consumable item (like potions, temporary Travel Forms, currencies such as pet feed and Treasure Shards themselves)
  • Dragon Crystals!!!!! (are we crazy for doing this?!)
  • Drop Rates: Uncommon (Green), 85% | Rare (Blue), 14% | Epic (Purple), 0.9% | Legendary (Gold), 0.1% 

  1. Warlord’s Chest (400 Dragon Crystals)
  • 1x Rare or higher item
  • 2x random resources / consumables 
  • Drop Rates: Rare (Blue), 60% | Epic (Purple), 30% | Legendary (Gold), 10%

  1. Emperor’s Chest (1,000 Dragon Crystals)
  • 1x Epic or higher item
  • 2x random resources / consumables 
  • Drop Rates: Epic (Purple), 70% | Legendary (Gold), 30%

Hold up…

Did you say FREE Chests!?

Oh yes I did! AQ3D’s daily reward system lets you open a FREE Soldier’s Chest every 23 hours. Think of it as your free daily login bonus, with chances to score Superior, Flawless, Epic, or evenLegendary items! No need to constantly check when your next Chest is ready… we will notify you with a handy red notification bubble on your main menu when it’s time to unlock another Chest!

How Do Treasure Chests Work?

  1. Open the Treasure Chests menu from your Main Menu
  2. Click on “Daily Chest” to open your free Soldier’s Chest
  3. Receive 3 items per Chest, with their rarity depending on the type of Chest
  4. Can’t log in today? No worries! Your Chest calendar won’t reset if you miss a day
  5. Every 7 days you’ll receive a free Warlord’s Chest
  6. Every 28 days you’ll get a free Emperor’s Chest!
  7. Keep collecting until you’ve claimed all 28 Chests – then your calendar resets!

What Happens to Duplicates?

Got a duplicate* item? No problem! It automatically converts into Treasure Shards, which can be spent in the Chest Shop to purchase specific Chest items. Woohoo! Time to build up your collection without relying solely on luck!

* excludes random resources / consumables

Why You Should Log In Daily

✅ Open a free Soldier’s Chest every day
💎 Build up Treasure Shards for guaranteed rewards
🌟 Chance to score Legendary items
🥰 No penalties for missing a day
🧔🏻 And ntm Yulgar won’t be big sad you didn’t visit him (his scruffy exterior doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings too, ya know!)

The Newest Addition to the Treasure Chests

If you’re the kind of hero who is obsessed with the Void, and/or loves the color red, or better yet BOTH, then you are going to LOVE the newest armament to grace the Treasure Chest pool! Meet the Void Mage’s Spell Sword, the newest, sleekest, and sinisterest (?) sword added to the roster of items you can obtain from Treasure Chests. It’s a Legendary item (clearly!) so we hope the Archfiend graces your luck rolls today. Should luck not be on your side (oh I know the feeling), you can get the Void Mage’s Spell Sword in exchange for 5,000 Treasure Shards.

30% Off Emperor’s Chest Sale Right Now

Who likes saving money while scoring epic goodies? 👋 Me me me me! For a limited time only, Warlord’s Chests and Emperor’s Chests are on sale RIGHT NOW (25% off & 30% off respectively). But you better hurry: this sale ends this Thursday, February 13, 2025, so don’t you dare sleep on this!

A Trove of Treasures Await

Now that you know all about Treasure Chests… what are you waiting for?! Get into the game and don’t let your free daily rewards go unclaimed! Log in, crack open your free Treasure Chest, grab a couple of Emperor’s Chests at 30% off, and let fate decide your next legendary loot drop.

And remember: in AQ3D, it’s Chest day, every day 🏋️‍

Battle on,
Beleen, Clarion, Artix, and the AQ3D team

PS: What are your favorite items from the Treasure Chests? Upload a screenie in the comments below, along with your player name + item names to show off & share your sweetest scores! 

PPS: Super special THANK YOU to our wonderful heroes who shared their favorite Treasure Chest scores with us! Almayudha with the Dreamer Bow, Ty-Lia McWizardly and ROXERON with Halo of Hues and Changeling Butterfly Wings, M e i a N o i t e with the Royal Diamond Gem Blade and Halo of Purity, Gold Raven with the Knight’s Dragon Ultra Greatsword, HELLOHOWAREYOUFINETHANKSYOU with Pig Snout Travel Form, Zukh with the Legion TechnoKnight set, t4chibana with the Doom Star Katana, Neeshka with Swallow Tail Wings and the Halo of Balance, Jayriel with the Legion TechnoKnight Bow, AOG-SADO MINING-TURKIVE HiBabywith the Frost Raven’s Great Sword, and Hack Cosmic with the Legion TechnoKnight set.

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