AdventureQuest 3D
| Thursday, December 5, 2024
This holiday season, chill the blood of your enemies... or use it to control them! Just try not to spill too much as you wreck the halls! Unlock the exclusive Yuletide Destroyer digital in-game rewards in select Artix Entertainment games when you buy at least 2000 Artix points or an Artix Points gift certificate for 2,000 AP or more between December 1 - 31st!*
Digital rewards are available in:
Buy Artix Points for yourself OR get a gift certificate and give it to a friend!
Redeem a Gift Certificate code here
The AQWorlds Sanguine Gift Giver Armor Set includes:
* If you purchased at least a 2,000 AP pack after 12:01 AM ET on December 1st, you've already unlocked your in-game rewards! You'll find them inside each of our games as the rewards go live. We are aware of an issue awarding the codes. Captain Rhubarb has fixed the issue now and all accounts have their code. is working on the fix now.
Artix Points are forged from crystallized dragon’s breath, marbles, and a little duct tape... and you can use them with ANY of our Artix Entertainment games to support our friendly team of game makers!
To spend your Points or find out how many Points you need for each game upgrade:
Note: to spend Artix Points, you need a game account linked to your Artix Master account. For information about game account linking, see this Help Page article.
What can I spend my Points on?
Give your friend a gift of Artix Points and help them gear up for Frostval! Purchase and redeem gift certificates on the Artix Portal site here.
To purchase an Artix Points gift certificate, you need:
Want to give your friend something to open? Get an Artix Points gift certificate you can print out here and fill in the code.
If you received an Artix Points Gift Certificate as a gift, congratulations! You can get an upgrade in any of our main games.
NOTE: we do not allow anyone to purchase Artix Points Gift Certificates except via our Portal website. Be aware of scammers who sell discounted Artix Points gift certificates with stolen credit cards. Falling for this scam may result in your account being temporarily or permanently disabled.