| Friday, October 13, 2023
It's Friday the 13th on EpicDuel which means it's time to collect seasonal rares visit Snork and Caden to view returning seasonal rares! This also means we've added a new 2nd Friday The 13th 2023 achievement available from the achievement shop.
A new tournament is nearly upon us! Visit The Endless in Frysteland or the Tyrant Totem in Fortune City to purchase a Cosmic Carnage 2 Ticket to guarantee participation in Delta V's latest test of might and endurance! This final tournament in our tourney trilogy will have a similar duration to the previous tournament, lasting from Tuesday October 17 at 4:00 PM (EST) to Friday October 20 at 4:00 PM (EST). The scoring per victory will be as follows:
2v2 points are lower than they have been in past tournaments due to the increased likelihood of encountering NPCs in 2v2. However, we didn't want to make the points too low because 2v2s take longer to queue and play on average.
It should go without saying, but please play fairly and honorably during this tournament or risk losing your tournament standing and chance at the rewards.