Tech Demo #5 is complete. 16th Upholders of AdventureQuest Worlds were invited to help Mage class and the insane number of server and game changes we have made since our last test.
Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most popular holidays in AQWorlds, and Quibble Coinbit-ARRR is here for it! Our time-traveling sales-moglinĀ is back with new loot for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where he "found" it. Bu…
Your final confrontation against Azalith, the fallen ArchAngel, is almost here. The coming battleĀ will decide the fate of the Celestials and Infernals. But first... you must prepare. Hunt down her minions, take on the Infernal Vanguard, and…
With a foundation built on camaraderie and support, Alter is a guild where teamwork and friendship lead the way. Every quest is an opportunity for members to rise together, and every victory is celebrated as a unified team. Read on to meet …
The ArchAngels of Lore is a guild where every member feels welcomed, supported, and empowered. With a foundation of generosity and teamwork, this guild shines as a safe haven for players looking to grind, raid, and have a good time together…
The #1 question we are asked is WHEN is AQWorlds releasing? In this week's daily dev update posts we will attempt to answer that question.... accurately. But you already know it will release when it is "Ready O'Clock."