Artix Krieger - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

AQWorlds Infinity Q&A

Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.

Book 3: Explore the Sandsea!
Dove - Friday, November 11, 2022

Book 3: Explore the Sandsea!

This week, as we're still preparing the script for this month's main story quest, we've decided to expand the walkable area of Book 3! It's time to explore the Sandsea!

Arena at the Edge of Time: First Encounters
Dove - Saturday, November 5, 2022

Arena at the Edge of Time: First Encounters

This week, the Beginnings board at the Arena at the Edge of Time has been updated with two new challenges!

Mogloween 2022: Trick-or-Treating! (And Pirate Update!)
Dove - Friday, October 28, 2022

Mogloween 2022: Trick-or-Treating! (And Pirate Update!)

Now that Falconreach is safe, and the candy economy has recovered from an undead interruption, it's time for Trick-or-Treating!

The Night of the Ebil Dread is Almost Over!
Dove - Friday, October 21, 2022

The Night of the Ebil Dread is Almost Over!

The war's 75% mark has been passed, and Artix is in sight! The Night of the Ebil Dread may nearly be over... if you can make that last push to the end!

Artix Krieger - Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Elvira hosts AdventureQuests Cursed 20th Anniversary Event

Happening now! "Hello Darling. It’s me, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark! I'm hosting Artix Entertainment's 20th anniversary... and you're the guest of honor." See the special event page

Mogloween 2022: Night of the Ebil Dread!
Dove - Saturday, October 15, 2022

Mogloween 2022: Night of the Ebil Dread!

That's right, we're celebrating Artix Entertainment's 20th Anniversary with a good old fashioned undead invasion!

Artix Krieger - Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Coming next week! Elvira hosts AdventureQuests Cursed 20th Anniversary Event

Next week is Artix Entertianment's 20th anniversary! You are formally invited as the guest of honor to the special event happening in two games. See the full event page.

AARGH Update 2
Dove - Friday, October 7, 2022

Arena at the Edge of Time: A.A.R.G.H. Update and More!

This week, the A.A.R.G.H. system at the Arena at the Edge of Time has received a new update!

Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Epilogue
Dove - Friday, September 30, 2022

Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Epilogue

This week, we say our goodbyes to The Awakened Depths... but not before a celebration, DragonLord style!

Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Fate
Dove - Saturday, September 17, 2022

Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Fate's Flow (Part 2)

This week, the next part of Book 3's main story: The Awakened Depths is here!

Book 3: Rest and Relaxation
Dove - Friday, September 9, 2022

Book 3: Rest and Relaxation

This week, we're having a bit of a lighter release as we prepare for the upcoming main story Awakened Depths finale!

Arena at the Edge of Time: Alteon & Corvak
Dove - Friday, September 2, 2022

Arena at the Edge of Time: Alteon & Corvak

This week, the Lords of Chaos board has been updated with the 12th Lord of Chaos and his Chaos Beast!

Book 3: Reimagined: Welcome to Swordhaven
Dove - Friday, August 26, 2022

Book 3: Reimagined: Welcome to Swordhaven

This week, we're welcoming you to Swordhaven for the first time... again!

Book 3 Amityvale: The Mayoral Menagerie
Dove - Friday, August 19, 2022

Book 3 Amityvale: The Mayoral Menagerie

This week, you find yourself inexorably drawn once again to the box-filled house in Amityvale...