Welcome to the whimsical world of AQ3D, where weekly wonders await as we craft creative content for warriors worldwide. We whipped up our new April Fool’s event, bashed a bunch of bugs, and gave a glimmering Gold Boost to everyone!
Greetings, gallant gamers & valiant virtual voyagers! 'Tis I, Wiggly Whompa, the most wondrous and whimsical chocolate maker this side of the sugary cosmos. I beckon thee to AQ3D!
March has been abuzz with contests aplenty! Here’s all the creative contests going on, the contest that was just judged, and the contest with winners being announced this week.
Player Housing was just released and it’s a HUGE hit! In order to celebrate, we welcome all to unleash your creativity in our Screenshot Saturday: Sandbox Contest!
In the past week we moved all of game & database to new server hardware. We also updated the game with a new version. But .... then a serious problem was reported...
Who’s ready for Valentine’s Day? Or rather… Valentine’s Slay 😳 This Screenshot Saturday contest encourages you to capture some super awesome action-packed shots on the battlefield. Read on!
The PTR server is abuzz with players creating their dream houses – and you can even design an insane Parkour map too 😳 We invite you to test out these new game features! Here’s how.