Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Help us take moglins from inside our games into the real world! Check out our Kickstarter and keep up with Moglin news here.
UPDATE: Congratulations! You've already unlocked 7 Moglin Stretch Goals. Thanks to you and over 1,100 of our amazi…
Talk Like A Pirate Day is a big deal around these parts. This year, instead of just having a seasonal event we will be releasing Lolosia, Lore's premiere pirate port of call, along with this year's TLaPD 2018 Collection and the PIRATE CLASS…
The Development Team has decided to add a Chat Filter Toggle to AQ3D so that you will be able to chat freely and openly with no restriction on the language that you use. For more details, read on!
Lolosia town, Pirate adventure, Captain Rhubarb and the Red Better, and the dual-hand-cannon wielding Pirate Class available for all players to earn? Talk Like a Pirate Day must be coming soon. Get all the details at www.AQ3D.com
Help us take moglins from inside our games into the real world! Check out our Kickstarter and keep up with Moglin news here.
UPDATE: Congratulations! You've already unlocked 7 Moglin Stretch Goals. Thanks to you and over 1,100 of our amazi…
"Like a Boss... Monster!" In this week's release we add our first Daily Boss Fight, plant some grass, release new items to quest for, and more!
Winnie has been Artix Entertainment's first intern in a very long time. Here she answers some players questions about what it's like working as an intern artist for the AQ3D team.
"Meh heh heh.... all too easy." The Zorbak Cabin won the Friday the 13th War in record time. Login to AdventureQuest 3D and get your free winning team backflag while you can.
Be sure to grab the newest update of AdventureQuest 3D (Version 1.10.0 "Grassy Blades of Death") from Steam or the App Store. Read on to see the new features!
Battle for your favorite cabin in this weekend's Friday the 13th War! Beware... someone accidentally opened a cryogenic chamber releasing *message suddenly cut off*
Do you have dreams of having the most majestic beard EVAR? It is now possible to discover the secret of Slifsgaard's beard, and take it to the Barbershop to have it for yourself!
Do you have the potential to become a caretaker of the Dragon's Graveyard? Earn Zakaru's staff through new daily quests that unlock once you have completed the story.
New Parkour map now available! Make it to the top of the zone to unlock the Dragon's Graveyard Parkour badge and the title, "Trick Jumper".
Zakaru returns in the epic finale of the Dragon's Graveyard! Continue your adventure to the top of the tower. Also in this release, we have updated AdventureQuest 3D to Unity 2018!