An ancient evil awaits… and will have its revenge. Hop into AdventureQuest 3D and start this all new main story by traveling to Seleden... the Red Forest, and level up to 37!
Part 8 of The Sandsea Saga is here... Face the phenomenal cosmic powers of Khal-No’Bir in his labyrinthine pyramid, successfully deal the final blow to the Djinn for a chance at new weapons, armor, and crafting materials!
The beast emerges in Sandsea Saga part 7. Team up with Squint to bait and kill the Sharken-like beast that ate Phara-Keet’s treasure room, and finally collect the last piece of the magic lamp!
Calling all artists! It's time for the 2020 video game art mashup that you never knew you needed. For this surprise community event, draw your favorite Yooka-Laylee and AdventureQuest video game characters together.
The 2021 calendars have arrived at the Secret Underground Lab! That means pre-orders end at11:59 PM ESTonWednesday, December 16, 2020. Pre-Order your 2021 Artix Calendar and get a free 1,000 Artix Points Gift Certificate. PLUS get a free…
Let frosted combat begin! In this holiday food contest, create any tasty Artix Entertainment themed creation! Weapon cookies, frosted cupcake Moglins, Dragonslayer helmet in the foam of your coffee, forbidden ice cream dragons, an alpha pie…