Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Get up to 35% extra Z-Tokens, as well as unlock a hoard of bonus items!
March is the month of EVIL! Warriors around Lore channel their inner darkness, rage, and embrace the war-like spirit that lives within. This month's seasonal set honors that drive, featuring a new …
Grab the Dragon Mage’s Spell Sword before it vanishes! Just purchase any Upgrade Shop package to claim it, with 50% bonus DCs on select packs. Go Guardian and unlock the exclusive variant!
Your luck is in! To help you celebrate Dage the Evil's real-life birthday today and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership pa…
The month of EVIL begins now! Log in and battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones and check out his seasonal birthday gear shop. This Friday, take on the …
Join us as we celebrate Dage the Evil’s birthday in our Co-Op Sandbox Contest! Team up with fellow Legionnaires to create the ultimate Legion-themed sandbox masterpiece. Snap your best screenshots for a chance to win Dragon Crystals and ete…
Celebrate Yokai New Year & Carnaval this weekend with all-new sets in the Featured Gear Shop! Find rare the color-custom Nagavanshi Kimono set, the brilliant seasonal Carnaval gear, and more until March 21st.
After 10 years, the final confrontation against Azalith, fallen Infernal Archangel is here. Many will fall as you fight. Survive and you'll discover the secret of the Celestial Realm's creation and the fate…
Artix Entertainment is looking for a few epic, experienced players of AdventureQuest Worlds to help our Tester and Moderator teams. If you like helping people, love AdventureQuest Worlds, and think you'd make a good tester or moderator, rea…
This week, we're returning to Atrea! The next part of the Book 2 Reimagined project is here!
Jump to Oz in Central Station for another chance to grab Beta replicas! Plus, increased 1v1 rewards!
Unleash limitless hues w/ colorful brows for all & custom lips for men. Plus, Carnival returns, new emote, and Heroic Aura offer (+50% XP/CXP, 2X dailies). 150% server boost, too!
The Rubicon March reaches its climactic end as War descends upon Battleon!
Embrace the new Grimtide Doomlight and reap souls for Dage and the Legion. Over a dozen token package bonuses are back for a limited time!
R3venant is a close-knit, semi-hardcore guild dedicated to honoring Dage the Evil with a focus on his awesome Dark Caster line. With over 200 members, R3venant guildmates farm, create stunning sets, and capture unforgettable moments all whi…