Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
EpicDuel is now LIVE after a brief reboot to greatly increase the chance of global gifting!
EpicDuel's latest Gifting event is NOW LIVE! Login now to give and receive thousands and prizes and climb the leaderboards!
Gifting 2024 launches on Monday December 9th which means you still have a few days to prepare!
Get ready to whisk, bake, and decorate your way to victory! This year’s creative cookie contest allows you to share your confectionary creativity by designing Artix Entertainment-themed desserts. Spread holiday cheer in the sweetest way pos…
Buy at least 2k Artix points or an AP gift certificate for 2k or more AP Unlock digital in-game prizes in AQW, AQ, AQ3D, DF, MQ, and ED
Do you have a Moglin plushie itching to cause trouble? Or maybe you’ve spotted a sneaky Moglin up to no good in one of our games… or your own fan art?! 👀 Show off your creativity in our Mischievous Moglins Contest, where chaos and cuteness…
It’s high time to celebrate the most creative, beautiful, sometimes crazy, and always awe-inspiring homes built by our amazingly talented players. Share your creation for a chance to be featured on the Design Notes!
Visit the Challenger for a new stock of returning Battlepass items! Also, all seasonal rare items have returned to their respective shops!
As Gifting 2024 approaches, we are busy preparing content for the big day while updating with some crucial balance changes.
Visit Darkon for an expanded inventory of new limited-quantity weapons!
EpicDuel is LIVE with a new balance update to adjust some prominent skills and cores!
Visit Darkon in his portal realm to access his new stock of limited-quantity color custom rares!
Gifting is returning to EpicDuel! Prepare yourself with this mega-post of information about this anticipated event!
Spooky season is here again in EpicDuel with returning seasonal rares and brand new seasonal rares available at Bido!
The Kaiju Slayer Showcase Battlepass is NOW LIVE! Login now to earn the latest collection of kaiju-themed weapons, armors, morphs, bots, and more crafted with care by Acatriel!