This year's Thankstaking feast is upon us! Luckily for you, all the ingredients have already been gathered, and there's no sign of any trouble. Could it possibly be a peaceful Thankstaking at last?
This week, we have two quests for you! Book 3 Convergence continues with Threads of Trust, and a new 125+ room dungeon is here: The Crypt of the Lost Order!
This week, we return to the box-laden home of a certain cat... Yes, that's right, Verlyrus the boxcat is eagerly awaiting word of your last mission (and he's been waiting quite a while)!
Hidden away in a secluded grove in South Falconreach stands a stone statue of the legendary Geopetal. It's said that she holds the secret to riches and power... but only if you're worthy!
This week, a new challenge has appeared on the Dragon Challenges 2 board! Get ready to defend Willowshire once again from a pair of very angry green dragons!