Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
We've got a host of new rare, seasonal, and permanently-available items available in your Featured Gear Shop this weekend for AdventureCoins.
When the Bloodtusk Chieftains* face-off against the Dwarvish Miners, all of Lore goes CRAZY! So, football fans, kick your puntin' foot into high gear tonight, because the /punt map is NOW OPEN!
When: During the Super Bowl half-time show
Find all-new 2024 Heroes Heart Day x Carnaval color-customizable rare and seasonal sets + click-to-transform weapons in the Featured Gear Shop through March 1st.
Log in now for our Carnaval x Hero's Heart Day double holiday event! Journey to the Yguasu Falls, where two lovers have been forever separated by a jealous deity. With your help, Samba and Big Daddy may j…
Get double rewards as you battle to create your Blinding Light of Destiny Axe until February 14th.
Spirit Orb Quests:
Rewards: x10, x20…
Warriors of legend rumored to possess draconic blood, even the immortals whisper about their incredible abilities.Unlock the color-customizable, transformable Earth Dragon Avatar, Dracomancer, & Guard sets when you upgrade your account …
February is a Triple Holiday month-long celebration: from the SuperBowl /party and Carnaval all the way to Hero's Heart Day and Yokai New Year! Log in all month long for new holiday events, stories, and gear. https://AQ.com
Over 250 players entered the Draw Your Weapon Contest, which means we’ve got 500 entries to judge! That’s amazing!! However, something sinister emerged that was darker than the deepest depths of the underworld…
Every year, we award free AdventureCoins to all of our heroes who have been battling alongside us through the winter events... and this holiday season is no exception! Log in and get 500 free AdventureC…
Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, the Nulgath 2024 Collection Chest is here! Log in…
Log in now and battle through the darkness that fills the halls of the Lost Villa as you uncover shadowy secrets and unimaginable atrocities. Descend into despair in this weekend's Diabolical Faction e…
Get details about upcoming events, server boosts, bug fixes, art previews, and other news throughout the week in our Digest Design Notes post.
Get 50% more ACs until 11:59 PM EST on Monday, January 22nd. This is the best time to top up your AC stash before next Friday's final update to Nulgath's birthday rares shop an…
Draw your sword… literally! Read on for the full contest details.