Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
Warriors assigned to the Usurper Lord know that only complete annihilation will release them from service to this undead tyrant. Get 40 items and an exclusive character page badge when you …
We're celebrating Dage's Dark Birthday with an all-new boss battle! Log in now and /join LegionLibrary take on the All-Seeing Argus boss as we work with the Legion Loremaster to discover more about the …
Dage's Dark Birthday seasonal maps + rewards returned yesterday, a new AC bonus began today, and this weekend, we've got even more dark gifts and battles for you! Check out what's ahead in today's…
March is the month of EVIL! Warriors around Lore channel their inner darkness, rage, and embrace the war-like spirit that lives within. This month's seasonal set honors that drive, featuring a new …
Your luck is in! To help you celebrate Dage the Evil's real-life birthday today and make the most of all our March and Spring holiday events, for a limited time, get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership pa…
The month of EVIL begins now! Log in and battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones and check out his seasonal birthday gear shop. This Friday, take on the …
Celebrate Yokai New Year & Carnaval this weekend with all-new sets in the Featured Gear Shop! Find rare the color-custom Nagavanshi Kimono set, the brilliant seasonal Carnaval gear, and more until March 21st.
After 10 years, the final confrontation against Azalith, fallen Infernal Archangel is here. Many will fall as you fight. Survive and you'll discover the secret of the Celestial Realm's creation and the fate…
Artix Entertainment is looking for a few epic, experienced players of AdventureQuest Worlds to help our Tester and Moderator teams. If you like helping people, love AdventureQuest Worlds, and think you'd make a good tester or moderator, rea…
R3venant is a close-knit, semi-hardcore guild dedicated to honoring Dage the Evil with a focus on his awesome Dark Caster line. With over 200 members, R3venant guildmates farm, create stunning sets, and capture unforgettable moments all whi…
Sylveon’s Total Transformation House is a breathtaking AQW home makeover that took 1.5+ years to perfect, with each room featuring a completely different, custom-built theme. From an underwater cliffside to a fantasy forest, every detail (d…
Undead Legion members, I'm looking for your feedback. Would you like to see us create farmable black & blue Legion Token merge shop variants of color-custom gear from Dage's Birthday Rares shop? Share your thoughts to let the team know…
In honor of the Year of the Serpent, we're paying homage to two of the team's favorite, and most iconic snake-themed videogame characters: the Forsaken Serpent Prince and the color-custom Serpent Soldier sets. Find them in the Featured Gear…
After 10 years and many invasions, the final confrontation against Azalith, fallen Infernal Archangel is here. Battle for gold, glory, and the salvation of an entire realm in part 1 of our Celestial Guardian saga finale. You and Aranx, the …
We've got a full inventory's worth of new gear to help you get your love-game on! Find all-new 2025 Heroes Heart Day rares items in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu starting tonight.
We'll be re…