Everything you wanted to know about AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity but were NOT afraid to ask.
1 vs 1 PvP is now live! Battle players anywhere in the world. As you read this, a bar fight is breaking out in Yulgars. Read on for details.
Is the inside of your skeletal brain case literally about to explode with all the amazing ideas in it? Do you love video games? This post is for you.
Moglomancer is a new class that now in early access for the backers of the Moglins Kickstarter. Click or tap through for more.
Join us on the Artix Games official Discord Server! Chat about your next mission, your favorite mecha, Heromart, or just hangout with your fellow heroes. Get the server invite link on https://www.artix.com/community/discord/
Artix Entertainment is hiring for in-house positions (Tampa, FL area)! We are looking for a 3D Animator, Unity/C# Programmer, and Graphic Designer. Visit our Careers page at www.artix.com/about/careers/ for more information, and check back …
Artix Entertainment is now hiring for new full-time and contract-to-full time positions. Visit our Careers page at http://www.artix.com/about/careers/ for more information.
Congratulations everyone! Dungeons & DoomKnights is now over 400% funded and George Lowe just recorded the voice over for the upcoming trailer. I record a video for you about why we Kickstarted this game...
Get ready for the newest, most cutting edge AdventureQuest yet! This new game will be exclusively for your original, 8-bit, 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System.
Do you know the full story of Dage? If you are new to AdventureQuest 3D or even if you are a long time Dage fan and did not know his whole story... this post is for you.
We have fixed an issue where players were unable to receive emails from Artix Entertainment last week if they used Hotmail, Outlook, and Live. (Though initially, all email providers were affected.) If you tried to reset your password, conf…
From all of us at Artix Entertainment, we hope you have a safe, warm, and wonderful time with family and friends. Merry Frostval and happy holiday, heroes!
Thank you for enabling us to make a $5,000 donation on your behalf to one of our fellow players who is battling brain cancer.
Help us take moglins from inside our games into the real world! Check out our Kickstarter and keep up with Moglin news here.
UPDATE: Congratulations! You've already unlocked 7 Moglin Stretch Goals. Thanks to you and over 1,100 of our amazi…
Talk Like A Pirate Day is a big deal around these parts. This year, instead of just having a seasonal event we will be releasing Lolosia, Lore's premiere pirate port of call, along with this year's TLaPD 2018 Collection and the PIRATE CLASS…
The Development Team has decided to add a Chat Filter Toggle to AQ3D so that you will be able to chat freely and openly with no restriction on the language that you use. For more details, read on!