A star has fallen in the ravagedmountain range on the outskirtsof the Dread Plains. Track and challenge this ancient power for new gear and achievements!
As a special Spring gift, we're starting tomorrow's Void Aura Boost early! Log in now for a TRIPLE Drop boost on Void Aura quest rewards! (Get 6, 16, or 30 Void Auras instead of 2, 5, or 10) Log in each day for a new reward, boost, or other…
I hope you're hungry, because this weekend's release is EXTRA-meaty! We've got three seasonal holiday release updates heading your way, so gear up and get ready to battle on!
LAST CALL! Dage's 2022 seasonal birthday event maps + rare collection chest leave with tomorrow night's update! Don't miss out on this year's dark and deadly gear. Log in and battle through all of Dage the Evil's returning birthday zones, t…
We build silly things. Often. But never quite like we do during our April Fools events! This weekend, find even more shiny golden gear, the uber-punny ShroomKnight, the Caladbacon Blade, and the Sneevil Pilot m…
After the Giant Chickencow's Meateor crashed into Battleon, the heroes of Lore banded together to defeat our first-ever world boss. This weekend, log in and /join meateortown to battle a seasonal ev…
If you've been doing PvP battles since last weekend, you've likely acquired some new April Fools themed weapons. Going off that theme, we've released fourteen new CC sword variants to the PvP drop pool! Can you collect them all before they …
A new rift in the cosmos has scrambled the natural order of Delta V. Horrific hybrids from outside the known Universe have infiltrated the planetary protection field and invaded PvP. Battle friends and foes to egg-spose these egg-stra-terre…