As his warriors prepare to open the new Infernal Arena in the Celestial Realm, Aranx created a short Treasure Hunt for you! Talk to Valencia in the /museum map to begin your quest to unlock the 0 AC Infernal Slayer Blade!
Quests + rewards are permanently available.
AdventureQuest Worlds updates every Friday, adding new monsters, quests, and rewards. On Saturdays and Sundays, even more item rewards are added for you to collect. But now... we've added an extra Tuesday mini-release to our game schedule. Our team gets to be even more creative and YOU get even more rewards. It is win-win!
To help you better gauge the type, length, and difficulty of our mid-week updates, we're adding Star Ratings (like you see on monsters).
Thank you to everyone that has been logging in, enjoying, and sharing your thoughts on the last few months of mid-week treasure hunts and updates. We'll continue to evolve our mid-week updates based on your feedback!
New mid-week releases are planned to arrive on each Tuesday. See all of September's additions in this Design Notes post!